Our Daily Manna November 26, 2017: ODM devotional – Persuade Men: This Generation Is Waiting!

Topic — Persuade Men: This Generation Is Waiting! [Sunday, November 26, 2017]

Basic Scriptures: Mark 16:10-18

Welcome and remember that there is a DAILY, SPIRITUAL WAR between the forces of evil! In that war, man is the object and target of both God and Satan. Oh! How important and special is the specie called “MAN!”

Please do nothing that will degrade man by your negligence, laziness or procrastination. The Word says, “but the end of all things is at hand” – 1 Peter 4:7. The ultimate end of this generation must come sooner or later. Let us therefore go forth and present heaven’s programme to a waiting and wasting generation. Let us march forward without looking back! Argue hard if necessary, for words break no bones. Persuade, but do not coerce (2 Cor. 5:11). Save, do not destroy! Persuade heaven’s interest and shun self-seeking. For the success of God’s programme in your local church, local government, State, or nation, you are God’s creative force.

Heaven is depending on you. Put your personal tears behind you. Rescue a soul this week! Rescue a soul this month! Heaven and Hell are so real; therefore, knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. Persuade means to influence, to explain, to urge and to advice. Pray daily for salvation of souls with a genuine, Holy Ghost –inspired conversion. Give to your church evangelism unit. Print gospel contact. Sponsor film shows around neighborhood! Visit the prisons and hospital with the gospel.

There has been an emphasis by heaven in this quarter on evangelism, knowledge and the Word! Do something and watch heaven move. See Proverb 25:15: “By long forbearing is a prince persuaded.” Do not give up when it comes to soul winning. By long forbearing is a friend persuaded! Be patient when wining souls! There is crisis in the world. Instead of going with the crowd, we are to show the way, persuade men! This generation is waiting!
THE LAGOS MOUNTAIN INTERNATIONAL ANOINTING SERVICE is this SUNDAY; TIME: 8am-11.30am. VENUE: Manna Mountain Ogudu Orioke. Theme: POWER PASS POWER: EVEIL SERPENTS MUST CATCH FIRE!” Come with your anointing oil or any point of contact. Something great must HAPPEN! Call: +234- 706-3324-784, +234-909-0393-966 for more information. My Thanksgiving is 12pm.

Prayer Points: Take song of worship unto the Lord.

1. Pray over today’s word as led now.

2. No matter what you are going through as a person, ask God to use you to preach the gospel.

3. Mention the names of at least 5 people. Pray for their salvation for the next one month.

WARNING: Nowadays, most Christians prefer love feasts and music to evangelism or prayer meetings. Don’t join them! Your case must be different. Don’t give up on this duty!

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.

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