Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: Lean On The Lord Totally [10/01/2017]

Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. Psalm 73:25. Read: – Psalm 73:24-28

It’s ignorant for a man to lean on a fellow man for help. God Almighty is against flesh leaning on flesh for help. Man is limited! A limited man who is in dare need of help cannot possibly be of help to another limited fellow. Disappointment would end the story. God is unlimited in resources because He is the All SUFFICIENT GOD. The earth and everything in it belongs to Him. Ps 24:1. He made all things and controls them in His power.

David probably understands human limitations, therefore, he looked up to God only for daily supply. David leaned on God totally all his life. He always looked up to God because he knows that his help comes from Him. Ps 121:1-2. He also knows that the help of man is vain. Ps 60:11. Therefore, he told us that, God is also present to help in time of trouble and that when we look up to Him for our help, we shall not be ashamed. Ps. 46:1, 34:5. He when further to say that, even the mighty might even suffer hunger, but those who seek and look up to God will never lack any good thing. Ps 33:10. So, lean on God for all your supply and He will never disappoint you. He is all you need to have all your needs met


* Leaning on God totally brings peace and rest for your soul.

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