Topic: God’s Wish For World Salvation  [19/5/2016]
Text: 2 Peter 3:9-10

Sometimes, we tend to ask ourselves: when is the promise of our ultimate salvation, when God will come to take us away from this  evil earth, going to come? Now, we should understand that God is patient with those who have not come under His banner of love.

God’s heart desire is that all men should come to repentance and we all must share in this His heart desire. Just like Him, we must be patient with the people who have not received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, even as we fervently and consistently preach the good news of the gospel to them. Never give up on anybody. Never say that they will never come to repentance – that is not consistent with God’s will. We continue, with faith, pray for and preach the gospel to them.

Just as God is patient with the sinner, He also extends that patience to those of us who have not started experiencing, in the physical, victory over Satan and sin. He is patiently waiting for us to, by His Spirit and Word, produce the fruits of righteousness that are in us. We must take advantage of God’s patience and experience our victory; and in humility, walk in the light of the Lord.

Keep winning daily.

Dear Father, thank You for Your patience towards us. I pray that the light of your gospel shines forth into the hearts of those who have not accepted Jesus as they hear the gospel, and that everyone who is not firm in You becomes firm, producing the fruits of righteousness, in Jesus name. Amen.

By Ese Ehimare Dave

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